Body handling. Spoba Funeral Services will help you pick up the deceased as fast as possible, carry out body
- Treatment and Embalmment
- Body Washing
- Cosmetology and Dressing
- Postmortem from professional doctors
- Body Storage
If embalming is required or chosen by the family, a licensed embalmer is used to perform the service. In most cases, the funeral director is the licensed embalmer, which makes organizing these arrangements easier.
- Embalming occurs when the staff replaces the body’s blood with chemical preservatives through the circulatory system. Some services such as immediate burial don’t require embalming.
- If a viewing is part of the service, the family will need to select clothing and mementos (such as jewelry and glasses) for the decedent. Anything worn by the decedent during the viewing can be returned to the family before the burial takes place (or left with the deceased). Cosmetics are applied, and the hair is styled according to the family’s wishes.